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TASK 1 - Analyse a Music Video

Music videos are ultimately a marketing tool, designed to excite a specific audience about a musical artist and song. We have seen how music videos are structured in order to effectively do this. Your task is to choose a music video and analyse the constructs that enable promotion. 


Steps of the task:


 - Choose a music video that you enjoy.

 - Identify the genre of music and justify who the target audience is (demographic)?

 - Design a music video station playlist and logo that fits with your original song choice. 

 - Research the artist's history. 

 - Research the lyrics of the song and make observations and judgements about the meaning behind the lyrics (may be symbolic). 

 - Identify the structural elements of the music video (Performative, Narrative or Conceptually based)

 - Identify the purposeful promotion of the musical artists image in the clip. 

 - Identify the inter-textual and voyeuristic elements present in the clip. 


Below is an exemplar for the song 'Chillin' by Wale and Lady Gaga. Watch the clip and review the example presentation slides. The task sheet and PowerPoint template have been attached below for you to use and refer to. 

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