Experimentation has been central to the development of moving-image media - to its technologies, its languages and its representations. Experimentation leads to innovation, and this pushes moving-image media forward.
Some examples of experimentation and innovation in film include:
Hand painting colour onto the film frame by frame in the early years.
Early visual effects of George Melies (magician) creating elaborate sets with depth and using stop motion or freeze-jump cuts.
Toy Story using computers to create advanced rendered animation.
The Matrix combining green screen with multi-cam to create 'bullet time', extreme slow-motion camera movements. The O.G. John Wick!*
Lord of the Rings, Weta Digital, to pioneer motion capture for digital characters using performance artists as a reference. Used in LOTR, Avatar, Avengers and just about every other CGI (computer generated imagery) film in the last 15 years.
Currently, audiences are highly literate in moving image, trained through years of viewing in how to read narrative images. Technological developments are progressing faster than ever before. Languages in formalised mainstream institutions (such as Hollywood) are slower to adapt, and representations can often be tangled in stereotype. As technologies of production and use change, the possibilities for innovation and experimentation increase.
*O.G. Stands for 'original gangsta'
Search for a before and after of VFX in film. Find am image to share with the class that you think showcases the greatest difference from the behind the scenes reality to the fictional on screen result.
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